(Home School Community Liaison)
The Home School Community Liaison Scheme is designed to work with and support the adults in a child’s life to help improve educational outcomes.
We aim to help promote and support the child’s attendance, participation and retention. The scheme identifies needs and puts appropriate responses in place.
This includes an integrated response from the other two strands of TESS (School Completion Programme and Education Welfare Officers), as well as linking families to local voluntary, community and statutory agencies.
Home visits are the primary point of contact for parents with this scheme, but connections are made with families in the school and community also. Home visits are to assist parents with any concerns regarding the child’s education.
HSCLs spend at least one third of their time on Home Visits.
Classes and Courses for Parents:
These can range from hobbies and interests to classes and courses on parenting and child development. Examples in our school include Coffee Mornings, Book Club for Parents, Yoga, Craft Workshops, Culture Day, Walking Group and Parenting Workshops.
All parents will be informed of upcoming classes and courses through Aladdin and Facebook.
Our current HSCL is Triona Dillon.
Triona can be contacted on 086 0326604.