Anti-Bullying Policy
Appendix 3 &
Investigation Checklist
Full Review November 2022
CBS Primary Anti-Bullying Policy : November 2022
In accordance with the requirements of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000 and the Code of Behaviour guidelines, issued by the NEWB, the Board of Management of CBS Primary Mitchelstown has adopted the following Anti-Bullying Policy, within the framework of the school’s overall Code of Behaviour. This policy fully complies with the requirements of the Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools, which were published in September 2013.
This Policy was originally drafted by a Sub-Committee of the CBS Staff over a series of meeting in 2014. Those involved were Mr. Weir, Mr. O’Regan, Ms. Herlihy, Ms. O’Sullivan and Mr. Griffin. The Policy was then discussed at whole staff level, at C.P.A. meetings. Parent Council members Ursula Keane and Jill Flynn were nominated to meet with Mr. Griffin to give parental input. This meeting took place in May 2014.
Full reviews: April 2016, January 2020,
This Full Review per Bernard O’Connell - Principal, John Weir - Acting Deputy Principal, Miriam Clifford - Acting Assistant Principal 1, in consultation with all staff, B.O.M. and Parent Council.
The Board of Management recognises the very serious nature of bullying and the negative impact that it can have on the lives of pupils and is therefore fully committed to the following key principles of best practice, in preventing and tackling bullying behaviour:
The aims of this anti-bullying policy are:
- To raise awareness of bullying as a form of unacceptable behaviour.
- To maintain a school ethos which encourages children to disclose and discuss incidents of bullying behaviour.
- To ensure that procedures are in place for noting, reporting, investigating and dealing with incidents of bullying behaviour.
- To incorporate, into our school programme, positive action towards countering bullying behaviour and towards raising self-esteem, self-worth and respect for each other.
Positive Action Towards Countering Bullying Behaviour
The best way bullying is countered in our school is through a programme of positive action, which fosters an atmosphere of friendship, respect and tolerance. This positive action is manifest throughout the school day and is particularly addressed in the following areas of the curriculum:-
- Religious Education
- Environmental Studies
- Physical Education
- S.P.H.E., particularly the Stay Safe / Walk Tall programmes, which are implemented in all class groupings.
- Is welcoming of difference and diversity and is based on inclusivity;
- Encourages pupils to disclose and discuss incidents of bullying behaviour, in a
- Promotes respectful relationships across the school community;
- Models respectful behaviour
- Displays our key message and motto “Have Courage and Be Kind” around the school
- “Catches children being good” acknowledging desired behaviours
- Employs systems of encouragement and rewards for desired behaviours e.g. Reward Cards, Class Dojos, Certificates of acknowledgement
- Acknowledges achievements at assemblies / public addresses / on communications with our School Community
- Gives constructive feedback to pupils, regarding negative behaviour.
- Highlights school and classroom rules in a positive manner in the classrooms
- Actively promotes the right of every member of the school community to be safe and secure in school
- Ensures there is adequate supervision on school grounds
- Supports the work of our Students Council
- Supports a school culture and climate that celebrates difference and diversity throughout the year.
Please refer to the CBS Primary S.P.H.E. Policy regarding strategies for creating a positive school climate and atmosphere in particular sections
6.1 Building effective communication
6.2 Catering for individual needs
6.3 Creating a health-promoting physical environment
6.4 Developing democratic processes
6.5 Enhancing the self-esteem and well-being of members of the school community
6.6 Fostering respect for diversity
6.7 Fostering inclusive and respectful language
6.8 Developing appropriate communication between home and school
Effective leadership;
Staff must be careful to act as good role models and not misuse their authority. Therefore, they will influence bullying behaviour, in a positive manner.
The manner in which parents and teachers interact, will provide pupils with a model of good working relationships.
HSCL will support in this area inviting parents to school and involving them in initiatives and activities.
A school-wide approach;
- Involving school management, staff, parents and pupils to deal with bullying incidents and to recognise that a school that openly discusses bullying, is acting positively.
- A high degree of school- wide vigilance and openness is important to ensure that bullying behaviour can be tackled - including active supervision by staff and recording in yard books.
- Other social, health and media education programmes and formal agencies can further help to address bullying behaviour. (e.g. Issues such as Cyber Bullying to be addressed in conjunction with Stay Safe)
A shared understanding of what bullying is and its impact;
- All relevant members of the school community have a shared understanding of what constitutes bullying behaviour - the definition of bullying , types of bullying behaviour and the impacts of bullying must be communicated and explained to the school community.(CPA, Information Evenings, Posters).
- Implementation of education and prevention strategies (including awareness raising measures) ;
- Build empathy, respect and resilience in pupils;
- Explicitly address the issues of cyber-bullying and identity-based bullying.
- Opportunities provided to develop a positive sense of self-worth, through both the schools curricular and extra-curricular programmes. (SPHE programme, sport, quizzes etc.,)
- There is space within the teaching of all subjects to foster an attitude of respect for all; to promote value of diversity, to address prejudice and stereotyping and to highlight the unacceptability of bullying behaviour.(Stay Safe, Walk tall, RSE in particular)
- C.B.S. Primary is a Health Promoting School. We implement strategies around Wellbeing, in line with DES Guidelines 2018-2023.
- Effective supervision and monitoring of pupils;
- Consistent recording, investigation and follow up of bullying behaviour (including use of established intervention strategies)
- On-going evaluation of the effectiveness of the anti-bullying policy.
In accordance with the Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools bullying is defined as follows:
Bullying is unwanted negative behaviour, verbal, psychological or physical, conducted by an individual or group against another person (or persons) and which is repeated over time.
The following types of bullying behaviour are included in the definition of bullying:
- deliberate exclusion, malicious gossip and other forms of relational bullying,
- cyber-bullying and
- identity-based bullying such as homophobic bullying, racist bullying, bullying based on a person’s membership of the Traveller community and bullying of those with disabilities or special educational needs.
However, in the context of this policy, placing a once-off offensive or hurtful public message, image or statement on a social network site or other public forum where that message, image or statement can be viewed and/or repeated by other people, will be regarded as bullying behaviour.
Negative behaviour that does not meet this definition of bullying will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s Code of Behaviour.
Additional information on different types of bullying is set out in Section 2 of the Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools.
Supports for staff; Care-call has addressed staff at CPA; In-school mentoring, team work, regular revision of procedures in place, that routines are clear and followed by all.
Most teaching staff have at this stage availed of NEPS Professional Development, "Incredible Years Classroom Management System".
The Board of Management has adopted the INTO " Working Together Document".
Policy on Sexual Harassment / Adult Bullying Policy is in place.
Dealing with Bullying:
- All incidents/reports of bullying are required to be investigated.
- When incidents of bullying occur in the classroom or school yard, they will usually be dealt with by the class teacher or the teacher on yard duty. The teacher will exercise his/her professional judgement to determine whether bullying has occurred and how best the situation might be resolved.
- Repeated and serious incidents will always be brought to the attention of the school Principal / Deputy/Assistant Principal.
- Yard Record Books will be used to record instances of behaviour which concern the teacher on yard duty. Through this, patterns of behaviour can be identified. This records what different teachers on yard duty may see as “once -off” incidents but are, in fact, establishing a pattern of behaviour, over time.
- The education and prevention strategies (including strategies specifically aimed at cyber- bullying and identity-based bullying including in particular, homophobic and transphobic bullying) that will be used by the school are as follows:
- Prevention and awareness raising measures, across all aspects of bullying
- Strategies to engage pupils in addressing problems when they arise. and such strategies to build empathy, respect and resilience in pupils
- Provide pupils with opportunities to develop a positive sense of self-worth
- Prevention and awareness raising measures focusing on cyber-bullying by educating pupils on appropriate online behaviour, how to stay safe while online. Teachers will influence attitudes to bullying behaviour, in a positive manner
- Visiting speakers (e.g. Zeeko) on internet safety and cyber-bullying for parents and pupils.
- There are a number of curriculum components and programmes which are particularly relevant to the prevention of bullying and the promotion of respect for diversity. The SPHE curriculum makes specific provision for exploring bullying as well as the inter-related areas of belonging and integrating, communication, conflict, friendship, personal safety and relationships. The Stay Safe & RSE programmes at Primary level are Personal Safety Skills Programmes, which seek to enhance children’s self-protection skills including their ability to recognise and cope with bullying.
- CBS Primary follows the Wellbeing Programmes, Zippy's Friends and Weaving Wellbeing.
- At senior classes, "" is the programme used.
- The work is extended into many other areas such as Art, Drama, Religious Education, and Physical Education. Co-operation and group enterprise is promoted through team sports, school clubs and societies, as well as through practical subjects
- At CBS Primary, we promote wide-ranging opportunities for pupils to get involved in team sports – both within and outside of school hours. We also encourage involvement in local clubs and have built up excellent relationships. Sporting activities, in particular, can provide excellent opportunities for channelling and learning how to control aggression. GAA, Rugby, Soccer, Tennis, Spikeball and other coaching is offered to classes. School staff are also involved in coaching the school’s sporting teams.
The primary aim in investigating and dealing with bullying is to resolve any issues and to restore, as far as is practicable, the relationships of the parties involved (rather than to apportion blame).
The school’s procedures for investigation, follow-up and recording of bullying behaviour and the established intervention strategies, used by the school for dealing with cases of bullying behaviour are as follows (see Section 6.8 of the Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools) :
- In investigating and dealing with bullying, the teacher(s) will exercise their professional judgement to determine whether bullying has occurred, what type, if it has and how best the situation might be resolved
- All reports, including anonymous reports of bullying, must be investigated and dealt with by the relevant class teacher(s)/ teacher on yard duty. In that way, pupils will gain confidence in ‘telling’. This confidence factor is of vital importance. It is to be made clear to all pupils that when they report incidents of bullying, they are not considered to be telling tales but are behaving responsibly
- Non-teaching staff such as secretaries, special needs assistants (SNAs), caretakers, cleaners, are encouraged to report any incidents of bullying behaviour witnessed by them, or mentioned to them, to the relevant class teacher
- Parents and pupils are required to co-operate with any investigation and assist the school in resolving any issues and restoring, as far as is practicable, the relationships of the parties involved, as quickly as possible
- It is very important that all involved (including each set of pupils and parents) understand this approach, from the outset.
- Teachers should take a calm, unemotional problem-solving approach, when dealing with incidents of alleged bullying behaviour, reported by pupils, staff or parents.
- Incidents will generally be investigated outside the classroom situation, to ensure the privacy of all involved.
- All interviews should be conducted with sensitivity and with due regard to the rights of all pupils concerned. Pupils who are not directly involved, can also provide very useful information, in this way.
- When analysing incidents of bullying behaviour, the relevant class teacher(s) should seek answers to questions of what, where, when, who and why. This should be done in a calm manner, setting an example in dealing effectively with a conflict, in a non-aggressive manner. It may also be appropriate or helpful, to ask those involved to write down their account of the incident(s)
- If a group is involved, each member should be interviewed individually, at first. Thereafter, all those involved should be met as a group. At the group meeting, each member should be asked for his/her account of what happened, to ensure that everyone in the group is clear about each other’s statements.
- Each member of a group, should be supported through the possible pressures that may face them from the other members of the group, after interview by the teacher
- Where the relevant class teacher(s) has/have determined that a pupil has been engaged in bullying behaviour, it should be made clear to him how he is in breach of the school’s anti-bullying policy. Efforts will be made to try to get him to see the situation, from the perspective of the pupil being bullied.
- It will be made clear, to all involved (each set of pupils and parents) that in any situation where disciplinary sanctions are required, this is a private matter between the pupil being disciplined, his parents and the school;
- Follow-up meetings with the relevant parties involved, may be arranged separately, with a view to possibly bringing them together, at a later date, if the pupil who has been bullied is ready and agreeable.
- An additional follow-up meeting with parents of the children involved may take place, after an appropriate time, to ensure that the matter has been resolved satisfactorily.
- In determining whether a bullying case has been adequately and appropriately addressed, the relevant class teacher must as part of his/her professional judgment; take the following factors into account -
- Whether the bullying behaviour has ceased
- Whether any issues between the parties have been resolved, as far as is practicable
- Whether the relationships between the parties have been restored, as far as is practicable and
- Any feedback received from the parties involved, or from their parents to the school , Principal, Deputy Principal or Assistant Principal.
- Where a parent / legal guardian is not satisfied that the school has dealt with a bullying case in accordance with these procedures, the parents must be referred, as appropriate, to the school’s complaints procedures
- In the event that a parent has exhausted the school's complaints procedures and is still not satisfied, the school will advise the parents / legal guardians of their right to make a complaint to the Ombudsman for Children.
All records must be maintained in accordance with relevant data protection legislation. The school’s procedures for noting and reporting bullying behaviour will adhere to the following:
- School will adhere to all aspects of its Child Protection Policy and Reporting of Bullying Allegations. (c.f. separate policy To TÚSLA and Board of Management)
- While all reports, including anonymous reports of bullying, must be investigated and dealt with by the relevant class teacher(s). The relevant class teacher(s) will use his/her/their professional judgement in relation to the records to be kept of these reports, the actions taken and any discussions with those involved regarding same.
- If it is established by the relevant class teacher(s) that bullying has occurred, the relevant teacher(s) must keep appropriate written records which will assist his/her efforts to resolve the issues and restore, as far as is practicable, the relationships of the parties involved (c.f. CBS Primary Bullying Investigation Checklist)
- The relevant teacher(s) must use the recording template at Appendix 3 to record the bullying behaviour (which is available on the Public Folder and attached this policy) in the following circumstances; -
- in cases where he/she considers that the bullying behaviour has not been adequately and appropriately addressed, within 20 school days, after he/she has determined that bullying behaviour occurred; and
- where the school has decided, as part of its anti-bullying policy, that in certain circumstances, bullying behaviour must be recorded and reported immediately to the Principal, or Deputy Principal, as applicable.
The school’s programme of support for working with pupils affected by bullying is as follows :
- The school’s programme of support for working with pupils affected by bullying involves a whole school approach. Given the complexity of bullying behaviour, no one intervention /support programme works in all situations. Therefore, various approaches and intervention strategies may be used. This may include seeking referral to appropriate outside agencies, in order to receive further support for the pupils and their families, if deemed necessary.
- Pupils affected will be given opportunities to participate in activities designed to raise their self-esteem, to develop their friendships and social skills and thereby build resilience.
- Pupils who engage in bullying behaviour may need counselling to help them learn alternative ways of dealing with their behaviours/emotions without violating the rights of others.
- Pupils who observe incidents of bullying are encouraged to discuss this with their teacher.
- Matter will be referred to TÚSLA and B.O.M. in line with Child Protection Policy.
Supervision and Monitoring of Pupils
The Board of Management confirms that appropriate supervision and monitoring policies and practices are in place to both prevent and deal with bullying behaviour and to facilitate early intervention, where possible.
Prevention of Harassment
The Board of Management confirms that the school will, in accordance with its obligations under equality legislation, take all such steps that are reasonably practicable, to prevent the sexual harassment of pupils or staff or the harassment of pupils or staff, on any of the nine grounds specified i.e. gender including transgender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race and membership of the Traveller community.
Communication of Policy
This policy has been made available to school personnel, published on the school website and provided to the Parents’ Association. A copy of this policy will be made available to the Department and the Patron, if requested.
Evaluation and Review
This policy and its implementation will be reviewed by the Board of Management at regular intervals, or when deemed necessary. Written notification that the review has been completed will be made available to school personnel, published on the school website and provided to the Parents’ Association. A record of the review and its outcome will be made available, if requested, to the Patron and the Department.
Policy originally ratified by B.O.M. - May 2014
Policy reviewed and ratified by B.O.M. on – 23rd November 2022
Proposed: ______________________________
Seconded ______________________________
Chairperson B.O.M.
Date – 23/11/2022
Date for next review - – As required, but at least by November 2024.
Signed: ______________________________
1. Name of Pupil being bullied and Class Group
Name: ____________________________________________________ Class: _________________________________________
2. Name(s) and class(es) of pupil(s) engaged in bullying behaviour
3. Source of bullying concern/report -tick relevant box(es)
Pupil concerned
Other pupil(s)
4. Location of incidents -tick relevant box(es)
5. Name of person(s) who reported the bullying concern
6. Type of Bullying Behaviour - tick relevant box(es)
Physical aggression
Damage to property
Malicious gossip
Name calling
Other (specify)
7. Brief Description of bullying behaviour and its impact
8. Details of actions taken
Signed __________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________
(Relevant Teacher 1)
Signed __________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________
(Relevant Teacher 1)
Date submitted to Principal/Deputy Principal _____________________________________
Christian Brothers Primary School,
Roll No: 17639W
TELEPHONE: (025) 24505
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Our School Motto: Have Courage & Be Kind
CBS Primary Bullying Investigation Checklist
(Reviewed January 2020)
All incidents / reports of bullying are required to be investigated.
The schools procedures for investigation, follow-up, recording and established intervention strategies for investigating and dealing with bullying behaviour are as follows: (For full details refer to C.B.S. Primary Anti-Bullying Policy)
Record kept of; Tick when completed:
- Name of pupil allegedly being bullied. □
- Name(s) of pupils allegedly engaged in bullying behaviour. □
- Details / Data of incidents. □
- Name of person(s) who observed / reported concerns. □
- Listened to victims account. □
- Spoke to all those involved or have knowledge pertaining to the incidences, individually at first maintaining privacy. □
- Thereafter, all those involved were met as a group. Each member was asked for his account to ensure everyone in the group was clear about each other’s statements. □
- It was made clear to person/group that he/they are in breach of the schools Anti-Bullying Policy. □
- Parents of parties involved were contacted to inform them of the matter and the actions being taken were explained.(Refer to Code of Behaviour and Discipline – Strategies and Sanctions) □
- Additional follow-up meeting with parents of the children involved took place after an appropriate time, to ensure that the matter had been resolved satisfactorily. □
- Record of this meeting kept. □
- Appendix 3 completed, where required. □
Signature of Teacher: _______________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________