Code of Behaviour
Our Vision:
That through positive learning experiences, each child will be stimulated to achieve his full potential, face life confidently and respectfully, mindful of his responsibility to the wider community.
Our Mission:
As members of C.B.S. Primary Community we endeavour to;
- Be kind and show respect.
- Be good team players.
- Promote an inclusive atmosphere.
- Accommodate individuality, celebrating difference.
- Develop and share our gifts and talents.
Aims of our school:
- To endeavour that each pupil develops to his full potential – socially, academically, physically, spiritually, morally and emotionally.
- That time in school will be spent in a stimulating, fulfilled happy way.
- To respectfully cater for individual needs and diversity of cultures.
- To promote positive health behaviour.
- To cultivate the highest calibre communications systems with all partners in education.
- To promote a sense of responsibility to and co-operation with the wider community.
- Déanfaimid iarracht Gaeilge a labhairt.
Code of Behaviour for C.B.S. Primary, Mitchelstown.
Rationale:This Policy was drafted to ensure that our current Code of Behaviour complies with guidelines for schools per NEWB 2008.
Relationship to our “School Vision”:Our vision is that “Through positive learning experiences, each child will be stimulated to achieve his full potential, face life confidently and respectfully, mindful of his responsibility to the wider community”. We aim that our school has a happy, secure atmosphere, a place in which children can develop to their full potential. Thus, we provide a framework, which promotes constructive behaviour and discourages unacceptable behaviour. The ideal is that pupils will acquire skills of self-discipline.
Principles of Discipline Policy:At C.B.S. Primary, we maintain excellent discipline. Our rationale centres around positive affirmation and encouragement. There are times, when it may be necessary to impose sanctions, to maintain good order and to discourage offenders. Our school Code of Behaviour has been drawn up by all teaching staff, in consultation with Parent Council and approved by the Board of Management. It is devised with regard for the health, safety and welfare of all members of our school community. The code is reviewed / audited annually, incorporating feedback from all the partners in education, per NEWB guidelines.
Aims of Code of Behaviour: In line with our school vision:-a) That a stimulating teaching and learning environment will exist for all. b) The maintenance of good order throughout the school and respect for our school environment. c) In line with our Mission Statement – Development of self-discipline in pupils based on consideration, respect and tolerance for others. d) To ensure the safety & well being of all members of the school community. e) To assist parents and pupils in understanding the systems and procedures that form part of the Code of Behaviour and to seek their co-operation in the application of these procedures.
Good Behaviour:Good behaviour is encouraged, recognised and rewarded.
Rewards for good behaviour can include –
- Certificate given out by week for pupils who have behaved consistently well.
- C.B.S. Primary Reward Cards (posted).
- Points scheme in class.
- Good behaviour charts.
- Oral praise.
- Written praise – homework notebooks, reports.
- Small prizes, merit lists, stars, stickers.
- Extra privileges – jobs etc.
- A quiet word/gesture to show approval.
- Visit to another class or Principal/Deputy Principal for commendation.
- Recognition by whole school at Assembly.
Our No 1 Motto is:
‘Be Kind’
The following notice is displayed in all classes and around the school:-
- Line up properly.
- Keep our school tidy.
- Play safely.
- Walk quietly on corridors.
Guidelines for Behaviour in the School:Respect and Courtesy:Pupils are expected to treat staff, fellow pupils and visitors with respect and courtesy at all times. Any behaviour that interferes with the rights of others is unacceptable.
Behaviour in Class:Pupils are expected to …
- Have all books and required materials.
- Work to the best of their ability and present written exercises neatly.
- Show respect for teachers, ancillary staff and classmates.
- Show respect for school property, other children’s property and their own belongings. In cases of deliberate damage, Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) will be requested to cover cost of repairs or replacement.
- Attend school regularly and be punctual.
- Wear correct school uniform. (On grounds of Health and Safety, pupils are not allowed wear rings, earrings or other jewellery).
Behaviour out of Class:Pupils must keep to the following play areas – Classes 1st , 2nd, – School yard Classes 3rd,4th,5th,6th – In the new hard core area marked out. All other areas are out of bounds. In good weather, the field behind our school is subdivided as a play space, for all classes. Pupils must not behave in any way, which endangers themselves or others. Any form of threatening behaviour, disrespect or bad language is unacceptable.
Strategies and Sanctions:Sanctions will be applied according to seriousness of the offence and can include:
- Reprimand/Reasoning (including advice on how to improve).
- If on yard, name and behaviour is recorded in yard book.
- Temporary separation from peers. “Time Out”
- Note to Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) in homework journal.
- Meet with Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
- Loss of privileges, loss of participation in extracurricular activities.
- “Discipline sheet” also signed by Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s). Modified version for pupils with SEN.
- Referral to other teacher.
- Referral to Principal/Deputy Principal.
- Individual Behaviour Plans.
- Referral to B.O.M., in cases of repeated or serious breach of Code of Behaviour.
- Every effort will be made to have an emotionally disturbed child referred for psychological assessment. Help will also be sought from support services within the wider community.
Prior to Enrolment:Prior to registering a pupil, the Principal will provide parent(s)/guardian(s) with a copy of the school’s Code of Behaviour. The Principal will, as a condition of registering the child, require his parent(s)/guardian(s) to always confirm, in writing, that the Code of Behaviour, so provided, is acceptable to them and that they shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure compliance with the Code.
At School:Our Board of Management has made arrangements that pupils are supervised at C.B.S. Primary, from 8.45a.m. The Board of Management can accept no responsibility for pupils before they enter school grounds i.e. yard areas. The Board of Management can accept no responsibility for pupils, prior to 8.45 a.m. On safety grounds, we strongly advise that your son is not at school, until at least, 8.45 a.m. On no account, can ball be played prior to this. At 8.45 a.m., the bell will sound for pupils to go into their class lines. On fine days, boys will be escorted to play areas by supervising adult(s) – otherwise, pupils will walk in an orderly fashion, under direction of supervising adult(s), to classrooms. When the bell rings for assemblies at 9.00 a.m., 10.45 a.m., and 1.00 p.m., pupils must – (1) Stop playing (2) Walk in an orderly fashion to class lines (3) Line up properly. At all assembly / dismissal times, any instructions or directions, given by supervising staff, are to be complied with. At 2.40 p.m. pupils will line up in class lines and walk with teacher and supervising adults to exit of school yard. The school can accept no responsibility for pupils once they have left the school grounds (i.e. outside school yard boundaries), except for official school organised activities. Written permission from Parent(s) / Guardian(s) will be requested, when children remain in school for official after – school activities. During school hours, if a child leaves the school premises, without permission, every effort will be made, by staff “in loco parentis”, to ensure child’s safety.
We emphasise the necessity of making arrangements that your child/children go to and from school safely.
Whole School Approach In Promoting Positive Behaviour:
Roles and Responsibilities:At C.B.S. Primary, we take a whole school approach in the promotion of positive behaviour. Staff and parents alike are provided with a copy of our Code of Behaviour. This is reviewed on a yearly basis. Issues which arise are brought up, as required, at meetings of staff, B.O.M. and Parent Council. Our Student Council also gives feedback at their fortnightly meetings.
Staff:Teachers and all staff members, play important roles in implementing, evaluating and updating the Code. Our Code of Behaviour is reviewed regularly. New members of staff are directed to consult our Code of Behaviour. Children with SEN, presenting with Behavioural difficulties, will be catered for under the guidance of their I.L.P., drawn up by all who deal directly with the child. If necessary, elements of the I.L.P. which may concern other/all members of our staff, will be highlighted at staff meetings, to ensure consistency in our whole school approach. Individual class rules are decided between class teachers and pupils at the beginning of each school year, usually in the context of a circle time discussion/brainstorming session. The School’s SPHE curriculum is used to support the Code of Behaviour. It aims to help our children develop communication skills, appropriate ways of interacting / behaving and conflict resolution skills. It also aims to foster self-esteem, help children accommodate individual differences and develop citizenship.
Board of Management: The Board of Management is consulted in reviewing and ratifying the Code of Behaviour. The Board of Management supports all staff regarding provision of opportunities for staff development. Serious breaches of our Code of Behaviour are referred to our Board of Management.
Role of Parent(s) / Legal Guardian(s):On enrolment, the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of each child is issued with a copy of our Code of Behaviour and is /are required to sign that they have read and accepted its terms. This is specifically indicated on the Enrolment Form for C.B.S. Primary. Our Code of Behaviour is also available on our website and reference is made to it as part of our SPHE Programme (Myself & Others). Parent Council Reps are involved in regular reviews of the Code.
Communication with Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s):Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) will be involved at an early stage, rather than as a last resort. Communication may be verbal or written, depending on circumstances.
- Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) will be informed when their child has behaved particularly well.
- When there is a serious misdemeanour, a note will be sent to Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) to be signed and returned.
- Habitual misdemeanours, Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) will be requested, by class teacher, to visit the school.
- Major misdemeanours – Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) will meet Principal/Deputy Principal and class teacher.
- Matter may be referred to Board of Management.
Pupils:Pupils are afforded the opportunity to draft their own classroom rules through our SPHE Programme, at the beginning of each school year.
- During our assemblies, aspects of our Code of Behaviour are re-enforced to our school community.
- Our newsletter is used to convey aspects of our Code of Behaviour to the wider school community.
- Our Student Council are given the opportunity to voice suggestions or concerns of the student body. This comes mainly from suggestion boxes in each classroom. Concerns are then dealt with at fortnightly Student Council meetings, and / or are brought to whole staff attention at staff meetings.
Positive strategies for Managing Behaviour:
Yard Supervision:
- Teachers contracted for supervision duties are timetabled for same.
- S.N.A.’s assist teachers with supervision.
- All areas of our playgrounds are supervised, at all times, during break times.
- Each class grouping has its own specific play area.
- All supervising staff are supplied with a monthly schedule of supervision, which includes provision for wet days.
- Games, puzzles, books etc., are available to pupils in each class, in the event of staying indoors.
- Pupils are supervised going to and returning from their play areas, according to our Supervision Policy.
- Pupils remaining inside, due to illness, will wait outside our staffroom / office area, where they will be provided with seating and games/books.
- Misdemeanours on yard are subject to our strategies and sanctions.
- Accidents on yard, will if necessary, be recorded in our Incident Book.
- Children leaving the yard to use the toilet, will request permission from supervising teacher/SNA.
- Our school rules apply to all areas of our school grounds. Children are reminded of these rules regularly in class, in the comings and goings around the school and at Assembly.
- School related activities:We expect the highest standards of behaviour from our pupils both in school and during school related activities, outside of school. To this end, we re-iterate our expectations to our pupils before any school related event. Issues which may pose disciplinary / behavioural problems in the course of an event, are addressed in a communication letter to parents/guardians, prior to the event.
- Keeping Records:
- Records will be kept by teaching staff and SNA’s, (where applicable) in a factual and impartial manner. Incidents/patterns of behaviour of concern will be discussed, as appropriate, at SEN/ISM/whole staff meetings, or directly with Principal/Deputy Principal.
- Incidents on yard will be recorded on Junior & Senior yard books.
- Matters of concern arising from these records, will be conveyed to parents/guardians, through individually arranged meetings with parents/guardians, Parent/Teacher meetings or through twice yearly reports.
Appeals:Under Section 29 of the Education Act, 1998, parents are entitled to appeal to the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Science, against some decisions of the Board of Management, including (1) permanent exclusion from a school and (2) suspension for a period, which would bring the cumulative period of suspension to 20 school days, or longer, in any school year.- Appeals must generally be made within 42 calendar days, from the date the decision of the school was notified to the parent(s)/legal guardian(s).
- Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) will be informed by the Chairperson of Board of Management of their entitlement to appeal a decision of the Board of Management in relation to suspension or expulsion. Parent(s) / legal guardian(s) will, in this case, be given a copy of circular 22/02. In this case, the Board of Management in conjunction with Principal/Deputy Principal, will prepare a response if, and when, an appeal is being investigated by the Department of Education & Skills.
Removal of Suspension (Reinstatement):Following or during a period of suspension, the Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) may apply to have the pupil reinstated at the school. The Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) must give a satisfactory undertaking that a suspended pupil will behave in accordance with the School Code of Behaviour. Principal/Deputy Principal /Board of Management must be satisfied that the pupil’s reinstatement, will not constitute a risk to the pupil’s own safety or that of the other members of the school community. The Principal/Deputy Principal will facilitate the preparation of a behaviour plan by relevant staff for the pupil, if required, and will re-admit the pupil formally to the class.