RSE Policy
R.S.E. Programme and context of ethos.
R.S.E Programme is developed within the context of the core values and ethos of C.B.S. Primary. Our Catholic young people share with their parents the good news of human worth and dignity in the light of the life of Christ. Parents are the prime educators in the moral education of children.
Our school supports and deepens their work.
Nowadays, children are exposed to many influences from outside the home and the school e.g. music, books, magazines, television and films. It is important, therefore, that as they grow older they should receive a positive and prudent education in matters sexual. (Declaration on Christian Education).
Sexual education will not be reduced to information about sex, rather an aspect of the education of the whole personality. This involves helping our pupils to form good relationships with others and respect for one's self and others. The love and message of Jesus is central to the values we wish to foster.
The Grow in Love (1st/2nd Classes) and Alive-O (3rd to 6th Classes) series is currently being implemented at C.B.S. Primary.
Aims of R.S.E. Policy
Relationships and Sexuality Education is an integral part of social and personal health education. It is intrinsically linked to home, school and the wider community.
The aims of the programme in our school are as follows:-
- To enable children to develop positive healthy attitudes and values towards their sexuality in a moral, spiritual and social framework which reflects our Catholic ethos.
- To help children develop healthy friendships and relationships.
- Foster self esteem.
- Growth and development of personal and social skills.
- To promote knowledge of and respect for reproduction.
- To equip children with appropriate language for their holistic development.
- Demystify some of the acquired assumptions around physical development and sexuality.
- To promote mature and responsible attitudes.
- These matters will be given particular attention in the section “Myself and Others” which deals with solving conflict right through all classes. Contesting some of the crude and incorrect associations with particular words and phrases will enable pupils counteract them in their own talk, actions & behaviours.
Integration with other curricular areas.
Many of the objectives of R.S.E are similar to those in other curricular areas thus much of the content is at present, treated in a cross curricular manner. R.S.E. shares content with language, the arts, physical education, history, geography, science, environmental and religious education. This curriculum overlap will develop in a spiral fashion, as the child gets older.
Summary of content.
From Classes 1st to 6th, the programme is divided into two major areas or strands namely; Myself – and Myself and Others. In the main, the class teacher will take responsibility for implementing the school – based element of the programme. The themes are continually revisited to provide consistent, structured and comprehensive delivery. Parents are the first teachers of their children. They hand on values on attitudes to each new generation. C.B.S Primary aims to work together with parents in this important job. Children come from widely varying home backgrounds and have very differing experiences. Sensitivity will be required in dealing with some situations.
1st and 2nd classes
I am unique.
Self esteem Developing self confidence. Joining new clubs, experiences.
My body As I grow I change, compare with baby photographs – when I was younger.
Increased responsibility. Growing. Names of private body parts given:
1st - urine, Penis, Womb. 2nd – Vagina, Breastfeeding.
Keeping safe Real and imagined dangers.
Observational skills.
Myself and others.
- Myself and my family – trust
- Myself and my friends – skills of friendship
- Myself and other people – communicating, sharing and co-operating, resolving conflict.
3rd and 4th classes.
Accepting myself Individual differences, all need to feel valued, recognise talents, self- confidence, need for privacy.
Physical Development How much sleep we need, healthy eating, personal hygiene.
Growing and Changing The wonder of new life
Birth and new life
Preparing for new life. Names of private body parts girls:
3rd Class- Womb, breastfeeding, breast milk, umbilical cord, navel, vagina, urethra, hips.
4th class – Breasts, pubic hair.
Personal safety Strategies – bullying, responsibilities, telling.
Myself & others
Families Roles, responsibilities
Friendships Peer pressure, body images. Roles of males, females in society.
Stereotyping – gender equity, sport.
Relating to others Communicating – tolerance, accountability, resolving conflict,
assertiveness, negotiation.
5th & 6th classes
Accepting myself Mistakes in a positive way, strengths and weaknesses.
Self esteem Developing self confidence
Personal hygiene &Personal safety How to help others, making decisions
Physical Development My body grows and changes:
5th class vocabulary used: fertilised eggs, unfertilised eggs, menstruation, periods, towel, pads, puberty, breasts, pubic hair, fallopian tube, uterus, cervix, ovary, vagina, testicles, scrotum, penis.
6th class: all of 5th plus - wet dreams, erection, egg, sperm, conception, sexual intercourse, missing periods, pregnancy, pubic hair, penis entering vagina, teat/nipples.
The Committee realises that this policy is not all encompassing. The educational context for the Committee is to ensure that the content is geared to be age appropriate. Certain topics such as contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, homosexuality etc. are part of the curriculum laid out at Second Level. Doubtless children will be inquisitive re these types of issues – such questions should be addressed by parents, on a need to know basis. In these instances, parents may liaise with teachers,
Resources which will be used to implement the Programme
- Resource materials for Relationships and Sexuality Education (Dept. of Education & Science).
- The Alive O Programme Religion – the aims of which are :-
- To help pupils to identify major aspects of their growth since birth.
- To help pupils to understand that life begins before birth at the moment of conception.
- To help pupils realise that human growth, both before and after birth, is part of God’s plan and to encourage them to see this as good, as all creation is good.
- Primary Education Health series.
It is envisaged these lessons will be timetabled for one hour (possibly 2x30mins) during each school year. These will take place in the final term. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from these classes if they wish. This request should be in writing to your sons’ class teacher. In this case supervision will be arranged in another classroom.
This Policy was originally ratified in February ’06 by Board of Management and has been implemented in full from that date.
Dissemination of policy
In accordance with Department of Education guidelines, this policy is being made available to the general parent body, teaching staff and members of the Board of Management. The policy is further circulated to all Parent(s) / Legal Guardian(s) on incoming pupils prior to enrolment.
References the committee used to draft this policy are as follows:
- Developing a Policy for R.S.E in Catholic schools – a document issued to the Catholic Primary schools September 1997 prepared for the Episcopal Commission for Cathechetics.
- Alive O/Grow in Love and Religion education text books currently in use currently and previously used.
- Department of Education and Science circulars.
- Relationships and Sexuality Education an aspect of social, personal and health education. - Curriculum Guidelines for Primary schools (infants to sixth class)